Adult Life Training, Inc. was founded by John Nash in 2003 and recognized as tax exempt under IRC section 501(c)(3) effective February 2, 2004. Our contact information is on our Contact page. 501(c)(3) information is on our 501(c)(3) page.
We are located on the Abundant Life Church campus at 3301 E Coliseum Blvd, Fort Wayne, IN 46805. Our telephone is 260.432.0014 x128. Our Chief Executive Officer is John Nash who can be reached at jdnash@alt-fw.org.
Adult Life Training, Inc. is organized exclusively for charitable and educational purposes within the meaning of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. It provides training services, such as financial literacy and common technical job skills and basic life skills, without charging a fee to the clients for these services; it conducts and discloses research as to advance the state of the art; it makes available (at no cost or for a nominal fee) the materials used in training and the results of research, provides training to develop the character of the clients in a positive way, so that they may become more self sufficient and better citizens, and so that they build relationships that will help them make positive and sustained social progress.
Our Mission is to holistically improve the lives of our community through training, mentor-ship, and example. We do this through several free and publicly available programs listed on our Options page.
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