How would your church’s ministry be different if even 10% of your saints could take three months off work to help, without any adverse financial consequences? Many churches are now learning that you cannot serve both God and money, and they are working to get all their saints debt free. You can join them, for free. I’ll teach you how.
Tag: 3Rivers Credit Union Foundation
New Free Lunch Break FPU classes start next week
We have added five FPU classes so you can take FPU on your lunch break! Monday Lunch 12:00PM EDT Open This is a FREE Financial Peace Virtual Study group that meets once per week for 30 minutes via Teams. Please contact John D. Nash if you need more information. Apr 22, 2024 Monday Lunch 12:00PM EDT Tuesday Lunch…
Welcome to Your FREE FPU Class
My name is John Nash, and I’ll be leading your Financial Peace University (FPU) class. You’re joining millions of families who have chosen to change their lives with this proven plan. Your Ramsey+ Membership is PAID IN FULL by generous grants from 3Rivers Credit Union Foundation, Fort Wayne Door, Inc., American Programmers Independent LLC, and other Fort Wayne area businesses.