This came in e-mail today from SBHP on upcoming training and we pass it on as a service our neighboring social service agencies. This is valuable training: I have been to the Tier 1 & 2 and they are quite helpful. There are admission requirements: contact SBHP for information for your organization. I Hope this…
Financials — Rough (Liabilities NOT posted yet) as of 4/24/2012
Income Statement For Period Covering 01/01/2012 to 12/31/2012 Revenues Income $0.00 InATR $90.00 Donations $82.00 LID $33.10 Paint $20.00 Interest earned $0.06 Total Revenue $225.16 Expenses Expense $0.00 1099 Contractors $0.00 Jennifer Perkins $0.00 John Nash $0.00 InATR $45.00 Love In Deed $40.39 Maintenance $84.60 Office Supplies $39.87 Postage $9.00 Software Licenses $0.00 Staff Meeting…
Board Meeting Moved
There were several conflicts with the scheduled board meeting Sunday 4/22, so the meeting was rescheduled for Wednesday 4/25 6:00pm-7:00pm