Your income isn’t the problem. How we handle money, that is the problem. You can get out of debt—and you can do it way faster than you think. Register NOW at The fees have already been paid by a generous grant from 3Rivers Federal Credit Union Foundation.
Tag: future
Change Your Families Financial Legacy – For FREE
Help your kids and grand kids have a better financial situation: break the generational curse an start a new family legacy. Register NOW at The fees have already been paid by a generous grant from 3Rivers Federal Credit Union Foundation.
Pastors: How to Empower Your Church with Financial Freedom – For Free
How would your church’s ministry be different if even 10% of your saints could take three months off work to help, without any adverse financial consequences? Many churches are now learning that you cannot serve both God and money, and they are working to get all their saints debt free. You can join them, for free. I’ll teach you how. April 21 through June 21, Mondays at 7:00pm EDT, Financial Peace University will show you and your saints how to win and stay winning with finances. For FREE. The fees have already been paid by a generous grant from 3Rivers Federal Credit Union Foundation. It costs you nothing for this $130 class! This is your time! Register!