What could you do with all your money if you could actually keep most of your paycheck? With Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University, you CAN take control of your money. If you’re interested in taking control of your finances instead of giving away most of your hard earned money right now we have a free public…
Tag: free
Winning in Money and Life Group Starts Tomorrow
What if you could always buy what you need interest-free? What if you could actually keep a percentage of your paycheck? Guess what? You CAN! With Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University, you CAN take control of your money. If you’re interested in learning more about the group, message me right now—because we’re offering it at Adult…
Free Planners for Schools!
Today in email from Passion Planner, the company from which we get our planners for training in personal goal and time literacy. One of our goals for 2018 is to create as much positive change as we can in the lives of students. We hope to do this by connecting with different schools around the…
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