Adult Life Training, Inc. served over 855 people during this year, as of December 7, 2016. The numbers are understated because some people do not sign the attendance sheets and therefore are not measured.
Of the 855 persons helped, 467 or 54.62% were male and 388 or 45.38% were female. 277 or 32.4% were white, 488 or 57.08% were black, 90 or 10.53% were hispanic, and 0 were other.
Six Dave Ramsey Financial Peace University groups were conducted helping a total of 30 people, 14 or 46.67% were male, 16 or 53.33% were female, 15 or 48.39% were white, 15 or 48.39% were black, 1 or 3.23% were hispanic, and 0 were other.
Clients came from public who walked in, ALC church members who knew of the lab in advance and came to use the Internet or computers during their lunch break or before or after work, Fort Wayne Housing Authority clients, and Catholic Charities SCSEP “Senior Aides”. Those in formal training classes learned computer job skills, internet job search, office software, business english literacy, financial literacy, practical instruction in how to form their own business and how to manage / benefit from taxation differences in the three business forms available in Indiana, and cultural upgrades in the hidden expectations and customs of the middle class work environment.
They also got coffee and some personal mentoring and encouragement. Lots of coffee. Coffee good.
According to the government database on there are estimated to be 368,450 persons in Allen County, 51.2% of which are female, 80.7% are white, 12.1% are black, and 7.3% hispanic or latino. By these numbers were are doing fairly well in serving minorities, however we would like to attract a few more women.
Our ability to continue to serve the Allen County, Indiana area was largely due to a generous grant from the 3Rivers Federal Credit Union Foundation which permitted us to replace our obsoleted 13-year-old computers with new technology that can run Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise, Microsoft Office, Office 365, and Linux Mint and LibreOffice, and permitted us to purchase the FPU curriculum, and to a generous grant of software licenses from Microsoft Corporation so that those new computers would operate.
Thank-you 3Rivers Federal Credit Union Foundation and Microsoft Corporation for investing in your Fort Wayne, Allen County Indiana community.
If you would like to help with our work next year, please use the PayPal button at the top left of this page, or send your check to Adult Life Training, Inc. 3301 E COLISEUM BLVD, RM 136, FORT WAYNE, IN 46805.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, and may God Bless!
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