Ramsey Solutions changed the process for assigning seats in our site license, so here is the bottom line for the upcoming October – November 2024 classes!
Free Dave Ramsey Financial Peace Classes
Sign up for one of the Adult Life Training, Inc. classes lead by John Nash. When you have registered you will automatically be assigned a full year of Ramsey Plus membership. Please be sure to USE your membership as Adult Life Training, Inc. has paid Ramsey Solutions (about $18.65 each) and if you do not attend the money is lost. Of course, we welcome donations! (PayPal button, top right ↑)
To register for one of the classes lead by organizations working with Adult Life Training, Inc. please contact the person listed for the class. We can still send you a free Ramsey Plus membership but there is a different (manual) process involved.
Monday https://www.fpu.com/6FEF56
Tuesday https://www.fpu.com/D4E84B
Wednesday https://www.fpu.com/A91010
Thursday https://www.fpu.com/6A6A9A
Friday https://www.fpu.com/E96D1D
Ramsey Plus is Financial Peace University plus several more courses, books, and financial tools. See this page for more details. Your free year of Ramsey Plus membership includes FPU classes, FPU workbook, and online tools created to support your journey, all underwritten by generous grants from: 3Rivers Credit Union Foundation, Fort Wayne Door, Inc., Abundant Life Church, American Programmers Independent LLC, and other Fort Wayne area businesses. You don’t get charged anything. It is FREE.