Now is your time. It’s time to take control of your finances. It’s time for you to get financial peace. Sign up on the links below, or call 260.432.0014 to get registered today. There is still time when you act right now. No money required, just register now and get started.
Tag: Adult Life Training
Financial Peace Coming to Fort Wayne, IN
The next classes start in this week & next, with one beginning Mondays 6:00PM-8:00PM and two others Wednesdays 7:30PM-9:30PM ( one for college age students and the other for adults).
Money is Fun! If you have some!
Too many people are struggling with the subject of money in their relationships, in their marriages, in their careers. Money is actually fun: if you have some! The average person who goes through FPU pays off $5,300 in debt and saves $2,700. It works. It will change your life. There is no doubt whether this process works: the only question is whether you are going to be involved. Links to register on-line are (starting Wed 9/7) and (starting Mon 9/19).